Our P & C

Working together to support the students and staff at Inglewood Primary School.

Working together to support the students and staff at Inglewood Primary School.

At Inglewood Primary School (IPS) your parents and citizens association (P&C) should really mean parents and carers because we are all about caring and community.

P&C’s have been a part of public schools for over 100 years in WA and your P&C takes its role of community contribution (and having fun) very seriously.

The role of your P&C:

  • facilitates an inclusive community by providing opportunities to connect,
  • fundraises to provide items otherwise outside the school budget to enhance each child’s early learning outcomes and will contribute to their academic and social accomplishment.
  • Provides community services such as celebratory stalls and operating the Canteen.

We meet twice a term to keep updated on relevant school policies and programs, discuss past and upcoming activities, approve any funding expenditure, and to make future plans, with the aim of benefiting everyone’s school experience including staff, students and families.

Your P&C is represented and coordinated by generous volunteers. Everyone in the school community is encouraged and welcomed to support, contribute, and get involved as much as you’re able.

Links to

  • Strategic Plan
  • The state body which your P&C legally operates under: https://www.wacsso.wa.edu.au/



Our wonderful canteen, La Cantina is open Monday to Friday for students and staff to enjoy yummy and nutritious food.  Recess can be purchased with cash at the window and lunches can be ordered online or at the window, before school, via cash or card.  This term’s menu is below.  Please click on the link.

Canteen Menu 

Online ordering

Join the Next P&C Meeting

The P&C meet on a Tuesday at 7pm in weeks 3 ands 7 of each term. Please check term planners for dates. Please dial in, if attending in person is challenging.

P & C Office Bearers

Executive and Sub-Committees Register 

Executive Committee:- President

Jem Plaisted Inglewoodpandcpres@gmail.com

Walking School Bus

Position currently vacant

Vice President

Susan Weymss

K/PP Convenors

Bianca Rocchi and Amy Sorrell


Simon Harris and Mel Scurlock


Chris Byrne


Debra Mullan Inglewoodpandcsec@gmail.com

Social Media/Newsletter

Susan Weymss

Sub Committee Chairs:- Canteen

Bianca Rocchi


Freya Rooney


Thu Snowden, Simone Wilkinson, Claire Finley and Jenny Biancotti


Alison Keating

Second Hand Uniform

Alizha Lewis


Sarah Borg





P & C Contacts

Your P&C facilitates numerous events each year to connect our community and to raise valuable funds to reinvest in our children. Upcoming events are; the Father’s Day stalls, the Cake Stall at the Faction Carnival and the Disco. To get amongst it, please email ipspcevents@yahoo.com

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