We offer a varied and challenging curriculum with a strong emphasis on development of the whole child, pastoral care and catering for the needs of all students.
Welcome to Inglewood Primary School. We are pleased to present the School Information Booklet to guide you with important information about our school.
We hope that you and your child/children have a happy and successful association with our school over the coming years. We, at Inglewood, are proud of our school, our achievements and our school community. Your involvement and support will enable us to provide students with an enriched school life.
Our primary school caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 6 over three sites. We offer a varied and challenging curriculum with a strong emphasis on development of the whole child, pastoral care and catering for the needs of all students.
Our Kindergarten centres are located on Craven Street Bedford and the Pre-primary centres are on the corner of Seventh Avenue and Hamer Parade, Inglewood.
We invite you to find out more about Inglewood Primary School by visiting our school website www.inglewood.wa.edu.au through the Department of Education Schools Online website www.det.wa.edu.au.
We look forward to working with you and your child/children for the best educational outcomes at Inglewood Primary School and hope that the following information is useful. If you have any questions, I am always available and happy to meet with you.
Kind regards
Nicole West
Information Booklets
Information Booklets
2024 School Term dates for Students
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 |
Wednesday 31 January to Thursday 28 March Tuesday 16 April to Friday 28 June Tuesday 16 July to Friday 20 September Tuesday 8 October to Thursday 12 December |
Administration Contact Details
34 Normanby Road
Phone: 9223 9900
Email: Inglewood.PS@education.wa.edu.au
Website: www.inglewood.wa.edu.au
School Hours
Doors open: 8.30am
Day Commences: 8.40am
Day Finishes: 2.40pm
A Group: Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays
B Group: Alternate Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Please Note
Due to duty of care requirements, parents are asked to ensure that children arrive at school after 8.30am when classrooms are open and students can prepare for the day.
Doors open: 8.30am
Day Commences: 8.40am
Day Finishes: 2.50pm
Please Note
Due to duty of care requirements, parents are asked to ensure that children arrive at school after 8.30am when classrooms are open and students can prepare for the day.
Years 1-6
Gates open 8.20am
Day Commences: 8.50am
Morning Recess: 10.20am – 10.40am
Lunch: 12.30 – 1.10pm
Day Finishes: 3.00pm
Please Note
Due to duty of care requirements, parents are asked to ensure that children arrive at school after 8.20am when classrooms are open and students can prepare for the day.
You can notify the school of an absence via SMS 0438 997 309, emailing the school absentee email Inglewood.PS.Absence@education.wa.edu.au, call the school or email the teacher directly.
Please inform the front office if you wish to take a vacation during school time.
No work packages will be provided for students.
Accidents and Illness (See also Medical)
Minor accidents are treated at school. In the case of more serious accidents or illness, you will be contacted at once. If this is not possible, the child will be taken to the hospital by ambulance, if deemed necessary. It is most important that our records are kept up to date regarding your place of employment and an emergency contact. Please inform the school as soon as such information is changed.
- If a teacher sends a child who complains of being ill to the office, parents or the emergency contact will be telephoned for them to be taken home.
- Parents taking children from school for medical or other reasons must sign them out at the office.
Before and After School Care - KidsCo
KidsCo’s award-winning programs will immerse your child in a world of exploration, adventure and real-life learning. All of the programs are led by qualified educators (who know how to be a BIG kid) and instil resilience and confidence. The programs are designed for little legends aged 4 – 12 years old to empower them to take on the WORLD!
Arrival at School
All children are expected to be at school by 8:30 when classrooms open. This ensures students are able to settle and prepare for the day prior to the commencement of formal instruction at 8.50am. It is requested that children are not sent to school before 8.20am as supervision is not provided. Children are not permitted on play equipment, the oval or basketball court before or after school unless in an organised activity and supervised by a teacher or their coach.
Each class takes a turn in running an assembly and presenting an item during the year. Assemblies are held at 8.50am every second Friday in the undercover area. Parents are invited to attend. It is a chance to recognise our Honour Certificate recipients, to hear the principal and deputy principal address the school and to celebrate school achievements. The newsletter and term planner will indicate the performance dates for each class and any changes to times. There may be some special assemblies throughout the year. The Year 6 Graduation event and the Class Award assembly are held at the end of Term 4.
Bikes / Scooters / Skateboards
Children who bring or ride bikes, scooters or skateboards to school are not allowed to ride them in the school grounds for safety reasons.
All bikes, scooters and skateboards brought to school must be stored in the racks. Bike locks are essential.
Bike riders are asked to dismount at the student entrances on Crawford and Normanby roads. Students riding bikes must wear a helmet. It is recommended that students on scooters also wear a helmet.
Booklists - Personal Items
BYOD iPad Program
The Australian Curriculum mandates the integration of Information and Communication Technology and the use of digital technologies across learning areas.
To enact this across the school Inglewood Primary School launched the 1:1 parent-funded iPad program in 2016 in consultation with the school board and the community through parent forums. Students in Years 4-6 are now expected to bring an iPad device from home to use at school. School funded shared iPads are available for those families unable to participate in the program.
Students, parents and teachers that are in 1:1 iPad classrooms, will also sign an iPad contract that is a partnership agreement. This addresses filming of individuals, screen time and the use of social media. This is signed in addition to the 3-6 Online User Agreements. These are included on enrolment and are signed by students and parents at the start of the year. Students can bring their device from home and the school has set up the Apple Family Funded program as well as the JB HI-FI BYOD portal.
All iPads must have a robust cover, insurance and be an iPad. There is a list of apps to be installed on the iPad at the start of the year which classroom teachers will provide. Teachers may ask for additional apps to be installed throughout the year. When not in use, iPads are locked in a secure drawer in the student classroom. Parents, please refrain from sending messages or emails to students during school time. Parents must provide Third Party App Consent for APP usage.
Please click the links below for more information regarding our BYOD program:
Our canteen is named “La Cantina” and is located at the end of the classroom wing on Normanby Road. The canteen is open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. La Cantina offers a summer menu in Terms 1 and 4 and a winter menu for Terms 2 and 3. Pre-primary students can order on a Thursday. Ordering is done online www.quickcliq.com.au
The Chaplain works with the school in supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of students and their families. Chaplaincy in schools is not a religious based service and Chaplains are not allowed to impress any religious beliefs upon students. Parent permission has been given at the time of enrolment and this can be updated at any time. The Chaplain will also be in regular contact with parents to discuss any concerns.
Classroom Organisation
A copy of the classroom timetable is displayed in each classroom and information goes out to parents at the beginning of the year. Teachers will hold a meeting for parents early in first term in order to outline classroom routines.
Class Placement Procedures and Guidelines
Concerns and Complaints
Parents are encouraged to raise any concerns they may have with the school, in order to have these heard and addressed. If concerns are related to the classroom learning environment, they should always be directed to the classroom teacher in the first instance. If concerns or complaints are related to organisational matters within the school, these should be directed to the deputy principal or principal. Whilst times are put aside for parent/teacher meetings in Term 1, parents are able to request a meeting with school staff at any time throughout the year.
CONNECT – The Inglewood Primary School Community
Connect is an integrated online environment developed by the Department of Education WA for staff, students and parents in public schools. If you require a print out or emailed version, please visit the front office.
How do I access Connect?
Each parent will be given their own secure login to Connect via a P-number and Password. As well as being able to log into Connect on any internet-connected device, you may also receive notices from Connect that will be sent to you as either an email or a notification on your phone. A free app called Connect Now can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store and will let you receive Connect notices as push notifications. If you have multiple children, you only need one login – even if your children attend different public schools.
On Connect you can see information specific to your child/children such as:
- Class calendars
- Attendance information
- Notices and classwork posted by teachers
- Student Reports
Log in to Connect
Connect is accessible via an app (Connect Now) or via the website www.connect.det.wa.edu.au. Download Connect Now from the Apple Store or Google Play.
Semester Reports on Connect
Inglewood Primary School Semester reports are now on Connect. Parents can find the reports in the My Children tab of Connect in the section called Reports. Once published to Connect, reports will remain available until your child leaves the public education system. To see previous years’ reports, select the Year from the right-hand menu.
Crosswalk attendants are on duty at the corner of Beaufort Street and Crawford Road and the corner of Grand Promenade and Craven Street between 8.30am – 9.30am and 2.45pm – 3.45pm, daily.
Inglewood Primary School understands the substantial benefits that are provided to young people through Information Communication Technology. We are aware that with these benefits can come with potential dangers such as Cyberbullying. Inglewood Primary School staff and students follow a strict ICT Code of Conduct in line with the WA Department of Education policy for students online. We pride ourselves on ensuring our school is Cyber aware and safe. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner website https://esafety.gov.au/ provides many hints for ensuring safe practices whilst using the web.
Due to health and safety requirements, dogs are not permitted on the school grounds. Please do not bring your dog when collecting or dropping off your child.
Dress Code
Students are to comply with the dress code at all times. Students who are involved in representing the school at official school activities including sports carnivals, social events and excursions are required to wear the appropriate school uniform. Children participating in the school choirs and instrumental music are required to wear the designated music uniform for performances. Inglewood Primary School has a “No Hat, No Play in the Sun” policy so hats are required to be worn all year round for outside activities. For safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear excessive jewellery items whilst at school. Sensible footwear for participation in daily fitness and PE classes should also be worn. A copy of the Dress Code Policy is available from the website or Front Office.
Duty of Care
Our staff will ensure a duty of care is provided for all students whilst at school and during off-site excursions. This ensures that at all times there will be a teacher or teacher assistant working with students, or in a position to observe students. The only exception to this is when students use the toilets, however all students must seek permission during class time. In the playground, duty teachers and education assistants supervise students at recess and lunch, with the library being opened every lunch time. Students are not permitted to use playground equipment before school. Younger siblings who play on equipment at the end of the school day are a parent’s responsibility to supervise.
Entry to And Exit from School
- NORMANBY ROAD – Gate near canteen only. No entry or exit thru administration.
- CRAWFORD ROAD – Any gate with the exception of the staff car park and oval gate.
- ROBINSON STREET- Gate from the oval
Excursions, Camps and In School Activities
The school organises a range of events for students that enhance the curriculum. As much as possible we try to ensure all students participate in these activities. A schedule of anticipated maximum costs is sent home at the end of each school year for parents. When activities are organised at school, parents will receive detailed information, timelines and permission slips to complete.
Extension Programs
The school is committed to extending students in every class through differentiating the curriculum and providing enrichment programs. The North Metropolitan Regional Office offers extension programs for primary students at various centres in the district.
EYE – Early Years Extension program for students in years 1-3. Selection is based on a range of assessments, including Pre-primary On Entry testing. This is run at school.
PEAC – Primary Extension and Challenge Courses are offered to students in years 5-6. All students are tested in year 4.
There are four factions:
Karda | Mamang |
Yonga | Wardung |
- Pre-primary to year 6 students are allocated a faction by the office on enrolment.
- Siblings are placed in the same faction.
- Two year 6 Faction Captains are elected for each faction and support the Phys Ed teacher throughout the year in a range of organisational and leadership matters.
Honour Certificates
At the fortnightly assembly each class teacher gives out two honour certificates. The school officer contacts parents prior to the assembly if their child/children are receiving a certificate to enable them to attend.
ICT And Digital Technologies
Inglewood Primary School has a strong commitment to providing students with a 21st century contemporary learning environment.
In addition to the 1:1 iPad program in years 4-6, there are trolleys of notebook computers available for each classroom to use. Classrooms have either LED display panels or Smartboards. K-3 also have access to iPads in their classrooms.
Each year, students with parent support, sign a responsible use of ICT agreement. On enrolment, parents provide students online consent for students to access the school computer network and internet. Wireless access has been installed across the school with all classrooms having their own access points. This ensures that all classrooms are able to use technology with minimal disruption. Students also have access to the Department of Education digital technologies kit which includes items such as Sphero SPRK robots, Bee bots, Dot and Dash and Edison robots.
Library Resource Centre
The Library is open every day at lunchtime for students to use. The Library resources, including audio-visual resources, are available. Students should look after them as they would family property.
Each child is required to have a large material bag in which to carry library books.
Parent help is welcome in the Library, so please see the library officer if you can assist.
Lost Property
We recommend that all garments, school bags, lunch boxes, drink bottles, shoes and hats are clearly named. As biro ink and felt pen ink washes off in time, we recommend name tapes for garments. If you purchase second hand items, remember to label these as well.
Lost property if named is returned to students when handed into the Front Office.
Unlabelled items are recycled through the uniform shop in the canteen or given to a charity.
Medical Forms
Short Term Use of Medication
Medication can only be administered by school staff if appropriate documentation has been completed by parents/carers.
For administration of short term medication such as a course of antibiotics, our school requires written authority from parents/carers. This authority can be provided by completing an Administration of Medication Form. This form is also available from the school office.
- All medication must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and provided in packaging from the pharmacy or the manufacturer.
- Documentation must be signed and dated by a parent or carer and provided to the school with the medication
Long Term Use of Medication
If you require the school to administer medication to your child for a period of more than two weeks, you may need to complete a Student Health Care Summary and a Management/Emergency Response Plan for your child’s particular health need. In most instances, this documentation will have been completed when you enrolled your child or as part of the school’s process for updating student health care records. If this is not the case, please discuss with the school office staff who will provide the necessary forms for completion.