Welcome to our Staff Handbook

Duty Roster

Table of Contents
  • As a component of our Duty of Care requirements, three teachers will be on duty for recess and lunchtime.
  • The eating time for lunch is from 12.30pm until 12.45pm with Year 1 and 2 students eating on the verandahs outside rooms 9, 10 and 11; Year 3 – 6 students eating in the undercover area.
  • Students remain seated while eating (recess, lunch, icy poles etc).
  • No food is to be taken onto the oval.
  • Note students with severe medical conditions and monitor any students with special needs.
    • Recess duty: 10.20 – 10.40 am
    • Lunch Duty 1 (eating): 12.30 – 12.45 pm (dismissed to play): 12.45 – 1.10pm
      • students must remain seated until dismissed and are to clear their area of rubbish
    • Lunch Duty 2 (playtime) – 12.45 – 1.10 pm

There are four duty areas (see map)

  • Junior – Junior playground; passageways (Rooms 9, 10, 11; and 14, 15, 16); toilets and one court.
  • Junior Sandplay (supervised by EAs) – Sandpit area behind rooms 9, 10 and 11;, the Junior playground
  • Middle – undercover area, toilets near Music, the other court, canteen area; and verandah from rooms 1 to the staff room
  • Oval – Senior playground and new toilet block; oval; verandah outside rooms 18, 19 17;  and Naturescape playground.
  • Shared care – the care of ALL students is always the responsibility of ALL staff at ALL times.

Playground Incidents

  • Students with significant injuries and those involved in serious incidents must be taken to see the Deputy Principal on duty in the office or Education Assistant in the medical room.
  • Serious accidents requiring parent or doctor involvement must be written up on an Accident Form.
  • If urgent assistance is required send the red tag from the duty bag to the Office with a responsible student.


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