Welcome to our Staff Handbook

Honour Certificate Procedures

Table of Contents
  • A set of blank certificates are given to staff at the beginning of each term for each semester.
  • Certificates that are to be presented at an assembly need to be completed and sent to the office by Tuesday lunchtime of assembly week.
  • As well as the teacher comment, each certificate should include the year level of the recipient and room number.
  • Teachers email or telephone the parents to advise that their child is receiving an award.
  • The Principal will sign all certificates once received.
  • Office staff will photocopy, record on SIS and collate ready for them to go to the Student Councillors.
  • Student councillors will read the recipients’ names at the assembly and deputies present the certificates.
  • Specialist teachers can award certificates if they wish.
  • All students in your class should receive a certificate by the end of the year.


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