Welcome to our Staff Handbook
Internet Use
Table of Contents
- Inglewood Primary School provides access to the Internet “to promote and enrich the personal, cognitive, social and physical development of each child through the resources of the school and its community”.
- Students are requirement to sign a user agreement each year.
- Staff must be familiar with DoE log on screens and appropriate use.
- Staff must keep their passwords confidential.
- Staff are NOT to become Social Network friends with students of the school or minors.
- The Internet will be used by students and teachers for curriculum purposes; independent research and development; and the transfer of information relevant to the achievement of curriculum goals.
- Students should not be given “free time” on the internet but be given directed learning tasks to complete.
- Internet access is monitored by teachers at all times by Apple Classroom
- The School Internet Gateway or SIG allows admin to monitor student Internet usage and block access to websites and apps.
- As responsible members of the school community, it is expected that all students and other members of Inglewood Primary School will follow and adhere to the guidelines below based on common sense, common decency, rules instituted by Inglewood Primary School and laws established by the State of Western Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
- Parents provide online services consent upon student enrolment and before being allowed Internet access. Students must sign the online Form ‘Acceptable Usage Agreement’ (junior and senior) which has been discussed with and witnessed by their parent / guardian.
- These online forms are accessible by the classroom teacher and should be discussed within the classroom and referred to on a regular basis.
- We educate students about cyber bullying and we encourage parents to monitor student use at home re: Facebook, chat rooms and websites.
Strict adherence to the following guidelines will help ensure a positive, supportive and productive learning environment for all students.
- The guidelines outline that all students using the Internet at Inglewood Primary School will:
- Only use the Internet for purposes that are legal and acceptable in relation to their class work activities and with the permission of their teacher
- Respect the rights of others; to be free from harassment, bullying or intimidation
- Adhere to laws concerning copyright, including getting permission before copying files from another user and not copying files belonging to another user without their express permission; failure to do so may constitute plagiarism or theft
- Use and share computer resources courteously and efficiently
- Understand and accept that there are restrictions on computing resources, including storage space and time limits
- Respect the privacy and integrity of electronic documents.
- Failure to conform to the conditions of the Responsible Internet User’s Policy will cause immediate suspension of Internet privileges and may result in further disciplinary action being taken by Inglewood Primary School, the Department of Education, State or Federal Authorities.
IKON- Manage social media and electronic communication use