Student Wellbeing

The staff at Inglewood Primary School are committed to the wellbeing of all our students. 

At Inglewood Primary School, the emotional and physical wellbeing of our students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents, and in their future lives. Physically and emotionally healthy students are happy, able to deal positively with life’s challenges, experience a sense of connectedness with the school and others, and are well placed to develop into well-balanced and successful young adults.

Through building a safe and engaging environment we are able to support the behavioural, emotional, social, physical and academic wellbeing of our students. The following services and strategies are utilised to meet help our students flourish:

Learning Support Team

At Inglewood Primary School, we adopt a Learning Support Team approach to dealing with all matters regarding our students. The Learning Support Team consists of our Deputy Principal- Student Services, our school psychologist, and when appropriate, the school wellbeing officer. The Team assesses all referrals made by staff and/or parents and work in collaboration with teaching staff and parents to determine the best course of action required to meet the individualised needs of students.

School Psychologist

The Department of Education provides a school psychologist services in all government schools across Western Australia.

School psychologists play a key role in supporting students, parents, teachers and school administrators in a wide range of areas. This extends from mental health issues to complex behaviour, learning difficulties and disability, and emergency and critical incident management. Their work might include assessment, consultation and intervention with individuals and groups. They also work at a whole school level with school leaders and staff, students, parents, the community and interagency partners.

At Inglewood Primary School, we have access to school psychologist services each Monday and Tuesday. Our school psychologist may engage with parents and students for a range of reasons including concerns regarding academic progress, social awkwardness, mental and emotional health, learning difficulty and disability. It is important to note that our school psychologist cannot work with any student without the explicit consent of the parent.

School Wellbeing Officer

Inglewood Primary School provides a Wellbeing program that assists the school community to support the wellbeing of students, including strengthening values, providing greater pastoral care and enhancing engagement with the broader community. Our school wellbeing officer is at Inglewood Primary School each Tuesday and Thursday.

The Role of a School Wellbeing Officer

The School Wellbeing Service complements our existing pastoral care services. Wellbeing Officers are responsible for supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of students. Our Wellbeing Officer provides support for a range of day to day matters affecting the school community. Wellbeing Officers are qualified in pastoral care and youth work. They respect all people, no matter who they are, where they are from or what their personal belief system is.

The role of the School Wellbeing Officer includes:

  • ensuring the personal and social wellbeing of students, their families and school staff in need of social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual support
  • building relationships with students, families and staff
  • offering pastoral care and mentoring
  • being a positive role model
  • identifying and introducing specific programs to better meet the needs of the school community whenever the opportunity arises.


Peaceful Greenies Student Wellbeing Program

Peaceful Greenies is a group of gardeners from Years 2 to 6 who work together on Thursday afternoons creating gardens.

Usually, the gardens are the three garden beds near the sandpit area, but this year we are working at creating sustainable gardens at the front of the school as well. 

Our goals are to:

  • Cooperate and work together across year levels
  • Create and develop our garden areas to make a peaceful environment
  • Be respectful of others, our gardens and all of nature
  • Take on tasks positively.

Our name, Peaceful Greenies, came about from our first group in 2021. The students decided upon the name after lots of brainstorming and is indicative of the goals we aim to achieve. 

It is certainly wonderful to see the students enjoying the work as a team and their engagement in their tasks. Seeing the results of their planning and planting, learning about different plants, celebrating the growth and seeing the change to the environment due to our collective planning and work has been a joy for everyone who has participated.

Ms Donna Davidson

Peaceful Greenies Founder and Co-ordinator



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