Behaviour Management and Anti-Bullying
Behaviour management and anti-bullying at Inglewood Primary School is framed by our school’s Responsible Behaviour Policy. Excerpts from the policy are included below. The policy can be accessed in full through Connect.
Every public school should have a safe and orderly learning environment. The crux of successful behaviour management is acting to meet students’ needs rather than simply reacting when they misbehave.
Inglewood PS Code of Conduct:
- Behave in a safe, sensible manner
- Respect the rights of others
- Be courteous at all times
- Respect all property
- Follow staff directions
- Be an active learner
Promoting Positive Behaviour:
Positive behaviour is encouraged and rewarded in the following ways:
- Positive comments in class and in the playground.
- Students are given “faction tokens” which are submitted and counted towards faction points that are announced at assembly.
- Honour certificates are presented at assemblies for academic achievement progress and social behaviour.
- Students can visit the office to show the principal or deputies their excellent work.
- Teachers can send students to buddy classes for acknowledgement of excellent work.
- Teachers should regularly communicate positive behaviours and improved work habits to parents through verbal or email correspondence.
- Every class teacher operates a reward system that may include special treats such as extra time at recess or a choice of activities within the classroom.
In keeping with the Department of Education Policy, classroom prizes will not consist of sugary treats, such as lollies.
Classroom Behaviour Management:
- Each teacher is responsible for generating a set of classroom rules and ensuring they are fully understood, accepted by all students and consistently applied.
- Teachers will communicate these rules to parents at the parent/teacher meetings held in Term 1.
- Teachers will also document how positive reinforcement will be included in individual classroom management plans.
- Serious breaches of behaviour, including playground incidents, are referred immediately to the office using a white slip and are dealt with in accordance with the policy’s flow diagram below.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct
Minor Breaches | Moderate Breaches | Extreme Breaches |
Assistance Available
- Parents can arrange an interview with classroom teachers and/or members of the administrative team.
- Parents, students and staff have access to the school’s psychologist through referrals to the Student Services Team.
- Some students may require a documented plan (Individual Behaviour and Engagement Plan)
- Any inappropriate behaviour by students from Inglewood Primary School that takes place out of school hours and/or away from the school grounds will be referred to parents and/or police for their information and subsequent action. If the behaviour impacts on the school environment, action may also be taken at the school level.
Assistance Available
- Parents are able to arrange an interview with classroom teachers and/or members of the administrative team.
- Parents, students and staff have access to the school’s psychologist through referrals to the Student Services Team.
- Some students may require a documented plan (Individual Behaviour and Engagement Plan)
- Any inappropriate behaviour by students from Inglewood Primary School that takes place out of school hours and/or away from the school grounds will be referred to parents and/or police for their information and subsequent action. If the behaviour impacts on the school environment, action may also be taken at the school level.