Welcome to our Staff Handbook
- Accidents and Incidents
- Administration and School Contacts
- After and Before School Care and Vacation Care
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Asbestos Materials
- Assembly Procedure
- At A Glance
- Before/After School
- Behaviour Management and Anti-Bullying
- Book Club – Scholastic Australia
- Borrowing of School Property
- BYO iPad Program
- Chemicals Used at School
- Class Allowances
- Class Awards
- Classroom
- Code of Conduct
- Common Use Contracts
- Communication
- Computers, Digital Camera, Interactive Boards
- Correspondence
- Cost Centres
- Crunch & Sip
- Department of Education Strategic Plan
- Disposal of School Property
- Duty
- Duty Roster
- Early Childhood
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Conditions and Entitlements
- Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment
- Evacuation Procedure
- Excursions / in School Activities
- Extreme Weather Procedure
- Factions
- Finance
- First Aid
- Friendly Schools Plus
- Gifts (Acceptance of gifts from external sources)
- Hats: Sun Smart Policy
- Homework
- Honour Certificate Procedures
- Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
- Infectious Diseases
- Insurance and Liability
- Internet Use
- Irate Visitors
- Key Contacts
- Key Dates
- Keys and Security
- Leave
- Leaving School Grounds
- Library
- Lost Property
- Lunch Orders at La Cantina
- Mail and Staff Pigeon Holes
- Mathematics Equipment
- Medical Information
- Mobile Phone Policy: Students
- Mobile Phones: Staff
- Money Collection
- Music
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Office Pass
- Offsite Information
- Offsite Units Handbook
- Optical Aids Subsidy
- Our Whole School Programs
- Outside Employment - Additional Employment
- P & C Association
- Parent / Teacher Meetings
- Parent Help
- Parent Liaisons
- Parking and Traffic Management
- Performance Development
- Photocopiers - Copyright
- Photographs
- Playground Access and Rules
- Professional Learning / Professional Development
- RDO (rostered day off) – Cleaner and Gardener staff only
- Reading Books
- Record Keeping
- Relief
- Reporting Misconduct
- Reporting to Parents
- School Assets and Resources
- School Board
- School Cleaning and Vacation Cleaning
- School Creed
- School Development Days
- School Health Service
- School Maintenance Building Faults
- School Newsletters
- School Payment Voucher
- School Psychologist
- School Times
- Sick Students
- Smoking
- Social and Emotional Learning
- Specialist Timetable and DOTT
- Staff Attendance
- Staff Collaborative Time
- Staff Dress Code
- Staff Induction Procedure
- Staff Meetings
- Staff Personal Property Also See Insurance
- Staff Sign In/Out
- Staffroom
- Store Rooms / Resources
- Student Attendance
- Student Councillors
- Student Dress Code Policy Statement
- Student Late Pass
- Student Leaving Early
- Student Personal Items Lists
- Student Records
- Student Services Team
- Students Not Collected at The End of The Day
- Telephone (also See Mobile Phone Staff and Mobile Phone Policy)
- Third Party Permissions
- Transition for Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year 1
- Union
- Visitors
- Wellbeing Officer
- Working Alone Guidelines
- Working with Children Check
- Written Communication to Parents and Carers
- Show All Articles ( 113 ) Collapse Articles
- First impressions count.
- Dressing appropriately is about showing professionalism, taking pride and modelling standards for students.
- Please consider the requirements of your day and ensure appropriate clothing and footwear is always worn. Footwear must be suited to the ground conditions and allow the freedom to run after students if required.
- As all staff represent the professional culture of the school, the staff at Inglewood Primary School are to dress suitably. Please note that denim may be worn to school on a free dress day only (this includes jeans, shorts, skirts, jackets). This is a regulation since 2007, and students are not to wear denim to school at all. Casual clothing such as tracksuits, sneakers etc. may be worn on sports days only.
- Name badges for easy identification are to be worn at all times.