Welcome to our Staff Handbook

Medical Information

Table of Contents

The School Officer and Deputy Principals coordinate student medical information.  Student Medication forms, action plans and medication are kept in the medical room.

Medical Action Plans

At Inglewood PS, we work with parents to identify and manage student health care needs and medication.

  • Students with severe medical conditions eg. Anaphylaxis, allergies, diabetes etc.are required to have a Medical Plan/Action Plan written in collaboration with the parent/carer, doctor and Principal.
  • A file is containing health forms for all students with a severe medical condition is in the medical room.
  • Individual students with severe conditions have a red bag on the medical room wall which contains their medication and action plan.
  • These are reviewed at the start of each school year.
  • The list of students along with their photo is on display in the medical and staffroom.
  • Staff who are expected to action the plan will have the appropriate training, as soon as possible.
  • In any emergency situation, remain calm, follow the plan and contact a member of the Leadership team immediately.
  • Education Assistants are rostered to assist at lunchtimes in the front office medical room.
  • Staff Medical Plans – please inform the MCS of any medical plan(s) and doctors details, these details will be recorded in staff on Integris.



  • Education Assistants, teachers and administrators are able to administer medication in the school setting.
  • Some medications need school staff to be trained to administer, such as midazolam for epilepsy and insulin for diabetes as health care plans will involve emergency procedures.
  • It is reasonable for a principal to enlist the support of allocated education assistants, teachers and an administrator to cover a student’s needs in this area.  However; they can decline to administer medication.
  • In this event, the principal is ultimately responsible for the administration of medication.
  • The giving of any medication must always be in accordance with the directions given by the physician prescribing the dose.
  • There must be two people to check the dose that has been given is correct.
  • Students who are required to take daily medication MUST have a medical form completed by parent/carer/doctor on a yearly basis.
  • Medication is given out in the office ONLY and records are kept.
  • Change of medication can only be made with a doctor’s note.
  • Medication such as paracetamol, aspirin etc. CANNOT be given to students without prior written authorisation as above, through the front Office.
  • Please refer all requests to a member of the Administration team.


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