Welcome to our Staff Handbook

Record Keeping

Table of Contents
  • Under the State Records Act 2000, all Public Sector employees and contractors including all school staff, have a recordkeeping responsibility.
  • It is a requirement that all departmental employees complete the recordkeeping awareness course every 2nd
  • Records that you create in the course of performing duties for the Department are owned by the Department.
  • Significant records must be captured in to the Departments official recordkeeping system.
  • These records are either hard copy or electronic (word/spread sheet documents, emails, digital images etc.) and are evidence of a business transaction.
  • Staff should ensure meaningful titles are used when creating or capturing electronic records.
  • Staff cannot delete or destroy records without following the appropriate procedure and gaining the correct approval.
  • You cannot take records with you when you leave the Department.

IKON/Professional learning- Record Keeping Awareness Training


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